To koritsi tou stratioti / Evdokia
- 片名:艾芙多基亚
- 状态:正片
- 主演:玛丽亚·瓦西利乌/Giorgos/Koutouzis/Koula/Agagiotou/Christos/Zorbas/Vassilis/Panayiotopoulos/Paulos/Roussos/
- 导演:亚历克斯·达米亚诺斯/
- 年份:1971
- 地区:希腊 / 英国
- 类型:伦理/伦理片/
- 时长:内详
- 上映:1971-09-21(希腊)
- 语言:希腊语
- 豆瓣:艾芙多基亚
- 简介:Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh l...
Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.
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Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh l...
Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.
美丽谎言(港)/三十三张明信片/Mei Mei/East West/
波拉X/Pierre ou les ambiguïtés/
那个不为人知的故事/电影版/That Untold Story/
黑暗面(韩国版)/窥镜/破.镜.欲(港)/Hidden Face/
丽丽·达米塔/Lester Vail/O·P·赫吉/米娅姆·西嘉/安妮塔·露易丝/Ruth Weston/
麻烦的人/越轨人生/The Bothersome Man/
我心里的太阳(台)/溜进我心的阳光(港)/My Sunshine/Boku No Ohisama/
Lives of Hamid/Ghost Trail/
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